Mer Dam Noodle

Mer Dam Noodle

ME DARM was established in late 2019 by Ms. Thuch Sokunthea. The idea to create a noodle produce from vegetable was come from love of healthy food because Ms. Thuch Sokunthea herself is a fitness coach.
ME DARM produce dried noodle with 3 flavor: Pumpkin, Taro and Sweet Potato. Our product are using safety standard vegetable without added food preservative chemical, flavor extract and food coloring.

ME DARM aim to contribute to our community by supporting our local farmer to earn more income through purchasing raw material from them. We also help to reduce unemployment rate for un-skill labor to have a proper job in the country and to avoid from going to work illegally in the neighboring country. Additionally, we aim to expand our market to export our product to sell in others county, therefore it helps to contribute our GDP in economy.

We are concentrating with the local products in Cambodia with good quality and safety especially is saving the environment. KSR is providing good services, honest, responsible, and is being a part of the reducing migration.