EPL Polinate

EPL Polinate

EPL POLLINATE has been initiated by a small team of environmental economists who passionate about forest conservation and eco-friendly products at Mondulkiri & other provinces located in north-eastern landscape Cambodia. We are determined to contribute something for forest regeneration and local fruits in   Mondulkiri. In addition, we are aiming to 1. Support regeneration of Fauna – flora in the for-est of Mondulkiri 2. Support local crop of community and Chamkar owners 3. Improve local livelihood through wild honey community enterprise 4. Provide knowledge of pollinate and benefit of honey 5. Pro-vide best quality of honey with high quality & hy-giene 6. Supply beekeeping and technology transfer.

Forest Honey

Bees are titled the most important species on earth because 70% of the World’s agricultural depends exclusively on bees. Bees are vitally important pollinator of wild and managed flowering plants to improve the growth rate of tropical forests.

Every drop of honey is
Precious for Health & Ecosystem Function.
This product is delicious, high quality,
and sanitation.
A product from Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia

Our Products