KSR is starting to collect some local products to entry the market via social media, Apps, and Exhibition by Ministry of Commerce. Our local products are sharing within the small Facebook’s marketplace.

We are concentrating with the local products in Cambodia with good quality and safety especially is saving the environment. KSR is providing good services, honest, responsible, and is being a part of the reducing migration.

SOK KIM is a brand name of the products in SAMAKI Co., Ltd., which was established in 2021, with activities such as: processing ginger, turmeric and zingiber to become the ginger, turmeric, and zingiber powder.

There are many factors that motivate the creation of this craft to improve the health of themselves and their eldest son who has been sick for many years. According to the report by the Ministry of Health, high blood pressure, diabetes, and stomach aches increase from year to year. Most of these problems are caused by a lack of understanding of nutrition, foods and herbs that help protect the immune system.

Nature helps life!